Endless Summer

My 3 year-old is learning about winter in preschool.

This is confusing the hell out of her.

She’s creating snowflakes out of tissue paper, building snowmen with cotton balls, learning about the arctic, penguins, and polar bears. She’s coloring pictures of hats and gloves and scarves. She’s learning about the months of winter (December, January & February).

And when she comes home from school, she’s going outside wearing nothing but a long sleeve shirt and sneakers.

It’s nippy in the mornings and the evenings, but in the middle of the day, it’s like spring. We are outside most days, using sidewalk chalk, riding bikes, blowing bubbles.

The other day, while reading on the porch, I swatted away a bee. Things are blooming. Blooming!

Where did our winter go?

*  *  *  *  *

I’m 70 pages in, and pretty soon I’m going to have to stop writing and do some research.

I’m a lazy writer. The thought of doing research makes me want to stop writing. With Secrets, I hardly had to do any research. With Finding Om, I’m going to have to have a fairly decent understanding of bone marrow transplants. And I’m going to need to do a little, very specific research about the India/Pakistan Partition in 1947.

Does that get you curious? Does the novel sound interesting? Bueller? Bueller?

*  *  *  *  *  *

I’d had a Pinterest invitation sitting in my Facebook Inbox for days, and had no idea what to do with it.

Finally, I joined, and I still don’t know what to do with it. You pin things? Like a bulletin board? And people follow you…like Twitter? (I still don’t really know what to do with Twitter.) And are we “friends” on Pinterest, like Facebook? Am I supposed to pin things from a website? And then other people see my pin? What’s the difference between pinning something and “liking” something?

Back in the day, I was blogging when hardly anyone was blogging and I felt so ahead of the game.

Now I can’t seem to ever catch up.

3 thoughts on “Endless Summer

  1. Your book definitely sounds interesting!!!

    I can imagine your daughter’s confusion- the weather is definitely confusing these days.

    As for the pinterest- the people I know who belong all seem to be so addicted to it. I am not quite sure what to make of it- but apparently it is addictive once you start pinning and so on and so forth- 🙂 I know it seemed to help both my daughters in their wedding planning- ha ha! (not sure how- but they kept saying, “Oh we are so thankful for pinterest”)

  2. Yeah, for planning a wedding or a fancy party or stuff… I’ve been in it for ages, but I somehow lost my password and cant’remember it and can’t find where I wrote it, etc… so I haven’t been in there for ages.

    My friends who use it are the crafty kind of people (which I’m not really), or people who LOVE design and home decoration, etc. There’s only one problem with pinterest — it’s only for IMAGES, not for text, so that kills it right there for me. I love images, etc, but I hardly spend any time looking at pretty things in the internet, I like to read TEXT, most often blogs, about real people, my friends on the computer (and sometimes real life too). So… I don’t really care for pinterest.

    NOW… very recently a bloggy friend/real friend (she used to live in philly) joined and she’s very crafty, but she’s pinning these great crafts & things to do with kids & I’m enjoying it (even though I don’t do ANY crafts with my own kids). Maybe that’s the kind of thing that you’d be interested in looking for./at pinning/

    Oh, and I see how one could pin delicious recipes with beautiful photos (like those of Oh She Glows — have you seen this vegan recipe blog, it’s nothing short of AMAZING!!!

    OK, now I have to waste time trying to find my pinterest password. GAH…

    P.S. hmmmm, I’m interested in your novel, yes!

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